When is the best time to search for new talent?

If you are an employer who is recently or soon will be understaffed, you may wonder when the best time to start the job search is. Do you want until you need the new talent or do you hire and get them trained before the old employee leaves? If you are in this dilemma, read these tips below to decide if it’s time for you to start your talent search.

In the beginning of the year (ie: January or February) or the beginning of the work season (September-October). Why? This is the time when the majority of employees are looking for new jobs or lifestyle changes. You will get the most amount of applications and be able to interview the best shot at the “cream of the crop” you will get all year. Another best time is in the September-ish time period because it is the beginning of the fall season and the second wave of job seekers look for a new opportunity.

After you have done research. Don’t go into this with a blind eye or blank slate. Do you know what you want in a new employee? What are you looking for, and what traits will, when you see them, make you know you have found your new hire? Know what you want so that when it’s time to hire, it is a smooth process.

When you are at a financial peak. It’s best to search for talent before you need it. Why? So that you are not understaffed or struggling when you need to take on another employee. Employees require salaries and other expenses: hire them when you are stable and at your best so that you can afford their pay while they begin to bring in benefits.

When you know you are losing an important staff member. If a vital member of the team has informed you they will be leaving, start your job search to find a new employee so that once they leave, the gap left will not be as gaping. If they are willing and you can hire them before the staff member leaves, you may even want to ask if they would be willing to train the new employee on job basics.

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