8 Things to Expect from a Second Interview

How to Prepare for a second interview | Greeley Temp AgencyYou’ve had the initial interview, and the potential employer is so impressed that you’re invited back for a second interview. This means that you’re a serious candidate for the job, but you really have to sell yourself as the company is still looking at other prospects. This is nothing to be worried about, and you will be able to land the job as long as you know what to expect from the interview.

Temp Agency Greeley CO

Do you feel prepared for your job search? Contact a temp agency in Greeley CO to discover more ways to prepare yourself for the job hunt.

The following 8 things are normally experienced during the second interview.

    1. Meet Other Employees

You’ve likely interviewed with the hiring manager, but now you’ll be meeting a lot of new faces. The head of a particular team or the senior manager may come in to meet you and ask you questions.

People want to meet their new, potential, employee.

    1. Topic Discussions

The resume you submitted will be discussed at length. You will be asked about your recent employment history and will also be asked hypothetical questions, such as “what will you do in 6 months to fill your job position.”

  1. Loose Ends

Questions that were asked that you didn’t provide a complete answer to during the first interview will be a topic of discussion. If the hiring manager stated that they wanted to ask a particular question but they never got the chance to, this will definitely come up.

    1. Tricky Questions

Off-the-wall questions are always asked to evaluate how well you will act under pressure. This can be a hypothetical situation, such as what you would do if a network crashed and no one was around to help, or how you would handle an office fire.

    1. Questions After Questions

You are a potential employee, so expect to be asked a lot of questions during the interview. The key is to provide truthful, well thought-out answers.

  1. Money Will be Discussed

The vast majority of the time, money will be a topic of discussion. This isn’t the case all of the time, but when it is, you will discuss compensation and benefits. You never want to be the one to bring up this topic, so wait for the interviewer to ask.

If you do come to an agreement on terms, always ask to get it in writing before walking out of the door.

Greeley Temp Agency

Are you around the corner from your second job interview with a company? Let us help you prepare. Contact our experienced Greeley temp agency today by calling (877) 880-4473.

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