Colorado Workers' Comp Rates Will Go Up Again In 2014

Ed Sealover of The Denver Business Journal on Colorado’s workers’ comp rates:

The bad news: Workers’ comp rates are going up in Colorado for the fourth year in a row.Colorado's workers' compensation costs increase

The good news: The rate of increase is half that of last year, according to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Affairs.

Colorado Insurance Commissioner Marguerite Salazar announced Tuesday that the “loss costs” components of workers’ comp premiums will rise 2.6 percent from 2013 to 2014.

That was just half of the 5.2 percent jump in loss costs that employers experienced this year, but it marks a continuing change from the decade of the 2000s, when such costs dropped annually.

Read Ed Sealover’s full article on Colorado’s workers’ compensation costs in The Denver Business Journal.

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