How to Answer: Why Do You Want This Job?

It’s one of the most common questions asked during job interviews: Why do you want this job? But it’s also one of the most challenging questions to answer. Employers want to know what your motivations are, and they also want to know if you would be a good fit for the company. Whether you’re looking for a job through a Fort Collins Temp Agency or through online job postings, there’s no doubt that an interviewer will ask you this difficult question at some point.

How do you answer such an abstract question?

Focus on the Company’s Mission Statement

One way to answer this question is to focus on the company’s mission statement. Discuss how their mission was what attracted you to the company in the first place. Explain how their business goals mirror your life goals. Let them know that you would take pride in holding this position and would do all that you could to strengthen their mission.

Make Note of Achievements

Search online for some of the company’s recent milestones, and make note of some of these accomplishments in your answer. Let the hiring team know that you want to work with a progressive company and a leader in the industry. Mentioning specific achievements in your answer will also emphasize your interest in the company.

Highlight Your Appreciation of the Work Environment

A company’s work environment and culture are almost as important as the position itself. Both temporary and permanent employees want to work for a company where they feel like they fit in with their co-workers. They’re looking for management that respects their employees and co-workers they get along with. Mention specific ways that you feel the company values its employees.

Emphasize the Company’s Unique Attributes

What makes the company stand out in the crowd? How are they different from their competitors? Focus on the company’s unique attributes, and include a few facts in your response. Feel free to politely ask about future projects and the company’s current goals.

Formulating your responses to abstract questions, such as “why do you want this job,” ahead of time will allow you to answer confidently and in a professional manner. In addition, having a direct, specific response also demonstrates your enthusiasm for the job and the company. Prospects who are serious about a job position and take interest in a company will stand out in the crowd and be more likely to land the job.


Fort Collins CO Temp Agency

We understand looking for work is a process but we’re always accepting resumes.  Our Fort Collins Temporary Employment staffing agency is here to assist you in any way we can. Give us a call today at (877) 880-4473.

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