Job Searching 101: After the Interview

The job search process doesn’t stop after the interview. There are some key things that you need to do to improve your chances of getting a call back or landing the job after you’re initial interview.

Assess the Interview

Immediately after the interview, make a summary of the questions the interviewer asked and your answers. It’s best to jot down this summary as soon as possible while the interview is still fresh in your mind.

These notes may come in handy if you’re called in for another round of interviews. It will also help you identify any problem areas that you can improve on for future interviews.

Follow Up with the Interviewer

Following up with the interviewer is critical. Following up will keep you fresh in the interviewer’s mind and reinforce the fact that you’re serious about the position and qualified for the job.

There are a few different ways to follow up after an interview: email, telephone or a handwritten letter.

Email is the quickest and most convenient option, but sending a handwritten thank you note may be worth considering in some cases. It shows the interviewer that you went the extra mile and took the time to sit down and thank them for their time. And with so many candidates sending thank you emails, a handwritten letter will help you stand out from the crowd.

Make sure that you send a thank you letter to everyone who interviews you, and don’t wait to do it either. Send out your note within 24 hours of the interview. Use this as an opportunity to reinforce your interest in the opportunity. If there’s anything that you forgot to say during the interview, you can include it in your thank you note as well.

Don’t forget to proofread your thank you note before sending it out. Typos and grammatical errors will make you look unprofessional and give the interviewer the impression that you’re not serious about the job.

Notify Your References

Shortly after the interview, you should get in touch with your references to let them know that they may be hearing from the interviewer.

Be Ready For Another Round of Interviews

After your initial interview, prepare yourself for a call back for a second interview. You never know when you’ll get a call for a second interview, so it’s important to be ready to go at a moment’s notice.

A great way to prepare yourself for the second interview is to go beyond searching for information on the company’s website. Take the time to really dig deep and find interesting bits of information that you can work into your conversation during the follow-up interview. This will help you make a lasting impression and stand out from the crowd.

Keep Searching & Networking

Many job seekers make the mistake of sitting around and waiting for a phone call after an interview. They stop searching and networking altogether until they hear a response. But what if a response never comes? What if it takes weeks to hear back from a company?

Putting your job search on hold only prevents you from taking advantage of other opportunities. It’s also important to continue networking to keep your list of contacts fresh. Contact us today for help along the way.

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