Job Searching 101: Mistakes You Might be Making

Searching for a job can and will take time. While everyone’s search is different, there are numerous mistakes that most people seem to make. Instead of learning the ropes and making the same mistakes as others, boost your job search by avoiding these mistakes from the start.

Employment Solutions can help you avoid common mistakes- the following mistakes are just a few that you may be making.

1. Not Dedicating Enough Time

How many people do you know that are looking for a job? All too often, people are “searching” for a job, but when you ask them about it, they’ll tell you they’ve only applied to 2 or 3 places in the last few weeks. This is a recipe for disaster. You need to make job searching a top priority.

If you’re unemployed, you must make the job search your job. This means working 6 to 8 hours per day to find potential employment opportunities. Those that are trying to transition to a new job but are currently employed will have a much harder time dedicating hours to the search process. In this case, make a plan to dedicate one or two hours per day to finding a job.

Not being dedicated to finding a job will lead to failure.

2. Not Updating Your Resume

You must update your resume and ensure that all of the information is current. Going into the job search without doing the following is a recipe for disaster:

  • Correcting contact information
  • Updating skills and experience
  • Correcting grammatical and spelling mistakes

If you want to take it a step further, you can revise your resume to meet the needs of the potential employer. This is done by researching the company’s needs and making sure your resume reflects those needs respectively.

3. Not Networking

Networking on and offline is essential to searching for a job. All too often, job seekers fail to use their network to their advantage. This is a major cause for concern and one that will lead to ultimate failure. Instead, you’ll want to:

  • Go to career fairs.
  • Go to networking events.
  • Use social media to your advantage.

Start to promote yourself in your field. The goal is to let others know that you’re actively looking for a job. You can use friends and past co-workers to help you do this. These are people that will alert you to any potential job openings they may come across in their field and help you land an interview.

Try to avoid only networking online. If all you’re doing is networking online, you’re limiting your chances of success.

4. Not Thanking the Interviewer

A little kindness goes a long way when landing an interview. After an interview, it’s essential to thank the interviewer after you leave his or her office. It’s recommended that you send a thank you note the same day that you’ve had your interview.

There are two ways to do this:

  • Send an email directly after leaving the interview.
  • Writing a handwritten letter and leaving it in the company mailbox or mailing it right away.

The latter is the best approach, but either route will show that you’re grateful for getting the opportunity to speak with the interviewer. Contact us today for expert help preparing for interviews.

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