How to Research a Company to Nail Your Interview

If you are actively searching for employment, you know the importance of being called in for an interview. Before you enter the office for your interview, you should diligently research the company so you can outshine other potential candidates.

Here at Employment Solutions, we have put together this list of seven tips on researching a company that will help you stand out in an interview!

Know the cast of characters. Spend time on the company’s website researching the staff. This information can usually be found on the “About us” section of the website. Be sure to focus on staff who work in the specific department to which you are applying, but don’t ignore other departments as well. By familiarizing yourself with the organizational structure of the company, you will be a step ahead of your competition. Pay special attention to learning about staff members who will be in the interview room. Supplement the information about the staff provided by the website with LinkedIn and Twitter.
Become an expert on company culture. In the interview, you want to make it as easy as possible for the company to picture you as a good fit within their already established culture. In fact, studies show that Human Resource professionals emphasize cultural fit as one of the most important qualities for a potential hire. Familiarize yourself with the mission, vision and values of the company. Again, the website is a good place to start your research, but you will also want to explore the social media networks of the company as well. See if you can answer an interview question with a reference to a recent social media post.
Know the strengths of the company. Research recent areas of growth, both financial and institutional. Familiarize yourself with the aspects of growth and service that the company values the most. Be sure to review the “Investor Relations” tab on the website, if one exists, to have an overview of the financial health of the company. Be prepared to give an elevator speech on how this company stands out and outperforms its competitors.
Demonstrate an encyclopedic knowledge of products and services. Go into your interview with the ability to easily talk about any service or product the company has to offer. This includes price points, customer reviews, when the product or service was released, and more. Use the company’s blog and white papers are resources from which to gain this information.
Prepare to speak about the field and the competition. Set yourself up for success by researching the both the industry of the company and its specific competitors. You will impress the interview committee if you can speak well not only about the industry as a whole, but also how the company compares with competitors in the same industry. Be prepared to talk about the larger industry landscape as well as the more intricate details of the company and how it fits into that landscape.
Speak confidently about your salary requirements and more. Use resources like Glassdoor to find salary ranges and estimate where your salary offer will hit within that range. Glassdoor also provides reviews about the company, as well as possibly insights into the hiring process itself.
Be in the know about recent news and events. If the company has had recent press about its accomplishments, you should comb over those articles. Setting up a google search about the company is a good place to start to make sure you don’t miss out on any developments before your interview. Also, familiarize yourself with the press release page of the company’s website. Following all front-facing company social media feeds is also a great resource to aid in being an expert on this front.

Follow these tips from Employment Solutions on researching a company, and you’ll be sure to stand out in your interview!

When you need help with your job search, reach out to the skilled staff at Employment Solutions! We have worked to pair employers and employees for over twenty years. Employment Solutions cares deeply about helping you fulfill your career goals, and will help you walk into any interview extremely prepared. Call Employment Solutions today to get started on the path to your success: (

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