101 Ideas on How to Get the Employees You Want

How to Get the Employees You Want

As the labor market gets increasingly competitive, sourcing highly skilled talent is going to become more challenging.

How to Get Employees You Really Want

1.  Anticipate staffing needs.

2.  Target messages to a specific type   of candidate.

3.  Understand the needs of targeted   candidates, and appeal to   their needs.  4.  Investigate the possibility of   employing older workers.

5.  Workers with disabilities may be a   target market segment that will   help meet your staffing needs.

6.  Analyze the ways that moonlighters   might meet staffing needs for   nights and weekends.

7.  Look at career shifters as a group to   enter your industry.

8.  “Back-to-work-moms” are looking   for employment opportunities that   offer training as well as flexibility.

9.  Target disadvantaged youth as   a market segment to meet   recruiting needs.  10.  Exiting military are looking for   career opportunities in the   civilian world.

12.  Work with government funded   employment and training programs   that will assist you in the   recruitment process.

13.  Look carefully at internal issues   before employing non-traditional   workers; see if diversity training is   appropriate for supervisors and   managers of these new workers.

14.  Put yourself in the candidate’s   place—where would they hear   about you?  15.  Investigate high school and post-  secondary vocational education   programs—DECA, VICA, FHA,   FFA, etc. (and if you don’t know   what these acronyms stand for—  call a local high school to find out!)

16.  Participate in Junior Achievement   and other youth business education   programs—it helps establish your   company and the career choice in   that student’s mind.

17.  Discover if your city has a   business-education partnership   for youth.

18.  Consider your image as an   employer, and develop strategies to   enhance that image as an Employer  of Choice .

19.  Advertise in alternate sections of   the newspaper.

20.  Use different newspapers to   advertise your recruitment   message—don’t overlook the local   and community papers.

21.  Place testimonial advertisements.

22.  Investigate the use of the papers   sold in convenience stores such   as the   Thrifty Nickel  or the   Bargain Mart.

23.  Use compelling graphics and   ad copy.

24.  Stress your benefits—sell   the opportunity!

25.  Use recruiting advertising agencies   for more effective advertising.

Read “101 Ideas for Getting the Staff You Want”

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