The Top 5 Interview Tips for Welders

The Top 5 Interview Tips for Welders

The following are The Top 5 Interview Tips for Welders, but many of the same principles can be applied to skilled manufacturing interviews in general.

Dress appropriately – Much has been written on the topic of how to dress for an interview, but what many of our candidates want to know is, how should a welder dress skilled welder interview tipsfor an interview? According to our clients, it is entirely appropriate for a welder to show up in jeans, a long sleeve shirt and work boots, and a long sleeve shirt. (Skip the cologne or perfume.) Our clients recommend that you also pack your welding jacket, gloves and a helmet in a bag to bring with you. Most likely you will be asked to take a welding test.

Be Prepared – You should be able to answer basic questions such as where the company is headquartered, how many shops nationwide, how many employees locally, how large is their manufacturing facility, what its main product or focus is and if they’ve been in the news recently. What welding skills does this position require? MIG? TIG? Structural? Inadequate knowledge of the company or of the welder job description could result in being screened out.

Be Positive– Refer to past employers in a positive light. Did you work for a micro manager or a person who yelled a lot? Leave that out. Focus on the skills, knowledge and abilities that you learned at that company. Were you an entry-level welder when you started? Were you exposed to structural or pipe welding? Be sure to describe the growth gained there. If they ask specifically what type of manager you worked for, try “My last shop supervisor yelled a lot. It took awhile, but I learned how to get along in that environment.” They don’t need to know that what you learned was to get the heck out.

It’s not about you – The interview is about what the interviewer needs, not what you need. The interviewer needs to fill the open position with a qualified, productive candidate who isn’t going to screw up and make them look bad. If you do not know what is most important to them, ask.

Lack of Enthusiasm or Energy – Interviewers can’t help but react positively to a candidate who exhibits high energy and a high level of interest in working for their company.

Self-Serving Questions – Candidates who focus on the benefits, such as vacation days, bonuses or incentives, are usually eliminated from consideration. Instead ask something like, “What is the most important focus of your job in the first three months?” or “What is the most important thing a welder needs to know to be successful in this position?”

Follow these 5 interview tips in your next welder or manufacturing interview to improve your chances of getting hired into the top manufacturing companies.

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